BCRET Publications
- 2020: Can soil phosphorus sorption saturation estimate future potential legacy phosphorus sources?
- 2020: Fate and transport of phosphorus-containing land-applied swine slurry in a karst watershed
- 2019: Phosphorus Runoff Risk Assessment in Karstic Regions of the United States.
- 2019: Stream algal biomass response to experimental phosphorus and nitrogen gradients: A case for dual nutrient management in agricultural watersheds
- 2018: Coupling High-Frequency Stream Metabolism and Nutrient Monitoring to Explore Biogeochemical Controls on Downstream Nitrate Delivery
- 2017: Land use relates to in-stream nutrient concentrations
Project Contact
Andrew Sharpley, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Soils and Water Quality
Phone: 479-575-5721
Fax: 479-575-7465
115 Plant Science Building
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701